Effective Guidelines for SMS Marketing – Get Your SMS Marketing Right This Year

Statistics show that people nowadays spend more than 5 hours on their phones. Therefore, using this interface as a suitable marketing platform can boost the sales of your company’s products and services. One way of doing this is through SMS marketing. When you contact King Kong or other digital services for SMS marketing, they will tell you this is a tried and tested marketing technique designed to produce excellent results.
1. Develop messages specific to your clients
Instead of sending out bulk messages targeted towards your entire database of clients, separate them into categories. This is essential so that you can create personalised messages. This task may seem overwhelming, but with e-commerce automation, you can now create personalised messages targeting a specific audience. When you send these messages, you will have increased queries, which is a sign of robust marketing.
Personalised SMS campaigns based on predictive analysis often produce better results as customers feel connected with the company and develop a better brand association. You will find that your clients are more inclined to make further purchases from your company if you send out messages with special sales and offers designed based on their previous purchases. Thus, getting professional help to create personalised messages for your clients is an excellent way to improve your marketing technique.
2. Conversational tone
Using a conversational tone in your SMS campaign is essential to get your marketing right this year. The language plays a crucial role in getting a positive response from your clients. A conversational tone would make the SMS less promotional and more inclined to make it attractive for your client. Your client will want to continue to read the message instead of deleting it.
Overtly promotional language often proves counterproductive, as clients are often put off by how you promote your company’s products and services. So, even when you decide to send out bulk messages, ensure that the language is conversational and easy to read. This will hold the reader’s interest, and they will want to scroll down to the end of the message. This is especially true this year for bulk messaging.
3. Make use of the size and length limitations
Short messaging services, or SMS, have limitations regarding size and length. This means you must choose the fonts carefully when using the word limit. It is essential to give your brand identity and logo within the message. The modern generation is quite brand-conscious. If you do not mention your brand and provide your company’s logo, the likelihood of your customers considering the message to be spam or a scam will increase manifold. With this, it is essential to use the length limitations and create messages that are more than marketing campaigns.
Creating a strategic SMS campaign makes increasing your outreach and attracting more clients easier. When you contact a leading company for SMS marketing, they will help you design SMSs for your customers and your company. These are the two most important things to remember to make the campaign effective.